Tech News

SMB Trends for 2021

Small and medium sized businesses have felt a big push to move out of their comfort zones in order to create convenience, trust, and safety for their customers and employees alike. The digital transformation industries h...

Tech News

Legal Trends for 2021

We have seen the pandemic accelerate the progress of longstanding trends. Law firms that invest in technology now will position themselves ahead of competition. With new emerging technology, the legal industry expects to...

Tech News

Construction and Manufacturing Trends 2021

The manufacturing and construction industries have faced unique difficulties during the global pandemic, mostly due to the inability to work from home. The health and safety of employees will continue to be a focus, and ...

Tech News

Healthcare Trends for 2021

CTG Tech appreciates the sacrifices of all healthcare workers during these unprecedented times. Thank you for your continuous support and care when uncertainty prevailed. After 2020, change is inevitable and to be expect...

Tech News

Tax 179 Write Offs 2020

As a business owner, the goal is to make as much profit as possible, but remember that those profits come with a nasty little caveat: taxes. The higher the profit, the higher the tax. Thankfully, Uncle Sam will show some...

Tech News

CTG Tech Donates Computers to Amarillo Organizations

CTG Tech, a local managed IT service provider, recently launched a program called CTG Cares. CTG Cares refurbishes computers and donates them to local organizations. CTG Tech recognized the increased importance of techno...

Tech News

Virtual Office Checklist: 5 Essentials to Setup a Remote Workforce

The pandemic pushed many companies to transition to a remote workforce. This transition was an adjustment that gave companies a way to remain operable, while providing employees the safety and flexibility they required. ...

Cyber Security

Top 10 Data Breaches of the Decade

Reflecting on the last decade, we can learn a lot, especially regarding how the importance of cyber security is always increasing. We have seen trends in cybercrime continue to rise, and cyber criminals rely on a variety...

Cyber Security

What is Multi-Factor Authentication?

We understand keeping up with passwords can be painful and can be why bad password habits are formed. In the U.S., the average email address is associated with 130 accounts; that’s a LOT of passwords to keep track....

Cyber Security

What is a Cyber Crime?

What do you think of when you hear “hacker”? From stereotypes what comes to mind is a guy in a hood hunched over a computer or a computer genius. For example, the movie “The Social Network” you se...

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